Thursday, 16 August 2012

A Big Welcome to all Reading Freshers' 2012!

Hey guys,
We hope the last few days haven’t been too stressful for you. It was only 3 years ago that the Student Officer team was sitting in the same place, having just been accepted at what we think is the best University in the world. The next 3 years are going to be some of the craziest, most-life shaping and wonderful of your life.

So, as you’ve been doing the countdown to find out what your future was going to hold, the Students’ Union has been powering full steam ahead to organise a brilliant year for you. The Students’ Union is here for many reasons but mostly to make sure that you’re University experience is the best it can be.
Your Union is run by students, for students. Your Student Officer team only graduated 2 months ago so we understand what you will be going through and hope you get involved as much as you can so you can shape your time here.
There are many things to take part in, whether that be by:
·        Playing a sport or joining one of our 105 societies
·       Getting involved in some amazing volunteering opportunities
·        Leading or helping us run some amazing campaigns where we can lobby the University, the local community or the Government to make real change
·        Joining up to be a Course Rep to speak up for your course
·       Finding our Part-time Officers who spend their time making sure we truly represent our students and see how you can get involved

Reading University Students’ Union (RUSU) also has a brilliant team of trained advisors who you can talk to about any financial, academic or housing needs. Their service is free and confidential so just come to one of the drop in sessions (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 10.00am- 1.00pm and Wednesday 2.00pm-5.00pm) in the Students’ Union Hub or email them at with any concerns.There’s also some useful advice on our website.

We hope you have a fantastic day celebrating your results as we are getting excited about seeing you in just over 6 weeks.

Your Student Officer team is here to help you, so if you have any questions feel free to post on our
Facebook page or feel free to email or tweet us. Our individual details can be found on the RUSU website.
We look forward to seeing you all at the end of September.
Your RUSU Student Officer Team,
James, Sophie, Kara, Nick and Ceri