Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Win or lose, standing for election is a great experience.

So RUSU Elections week is fast approaching and this is a bittersweet time for current Student Officers.
On the one hand, we get very excited about seeing potential candidates come to our offices to talk to us about being a Student Officer next year. However, on the other hand, we realise that we are ‘on the home stretch’ in so far as our tenure in office is concerned.
I have been thinking about my own experience of RUSU elections throughout this period, as I have actually run in two.

In 2011, I ran to be a Student Trustee and in 2012 I ran to for President with different outcomes from each. In my first election, I didn’t win. Emotionally, I am now able to watch both this election and the one I won on RU:ON’s website. As you can see from the stills on this page, the look on my face in both elections at the time the results were being announced is quite different. Note the vast change in the facial expression and choice of shirt.
There is something to be said for my experiences in both elections though. In both, during the campaign weeks, I met some amazing people who I would never have otherwise met. I also learnt a vast amount about a variety of student experiences on our campus. As we all know, no student experience is the same and candidates find this out extremely quickly during campaigning. All the candidates are helpful and supportive towards each other. They drive you on, no matter how tired you are.
There are a variety of activities such as Hustings (candidate’s question time) that may push you out of your comfort zone, but someone much cleverer than I once said, that’s exactly where you are most alive. I suppose what I am trying to say, is that elections are a fantastic experience and it’s not all about the winning, but what you gain along the way.
So have a think. You could be sitting in my office next year, experiencing all the great things I have.
Elections nominations are open until Thursday February 14th, 4.00pm. Student Officers are always available to speak to you about any questions regarding the elections process. All of our diaries are on our doors so don’t hesitate to come and talk to us.
If you do decide to stand for any of the positions, good luck. Win or lose, you won’t regret it.
James Fletcher