The position of Student Trustee is a very important role as you are on the Board of a charity that represents thousands of bring suggestions from a current student’s perspective which, when you think about it, is crucial as this is a student-led organisation!
Over the past few months, I have gained some invaluable experience that I would otherwise not have had the opportunity to gain. Twice a term the Student Officer Trustees, Student Trustees and External Trustees meet at Board to discuss important matters concerning students’ experience here at Reading. This is something which you have the potential to have a big influence on which is actually really exciting!
Alongside these important meetings, you will have the opportunity to chair Student Officer Scrutiny (S.O.S) meetings and become really involved with what RUSU is doing to enhance the student experience. Although this may seem is such a good skill to add to that CV! Not only this but you have the chance to sit on a variety of sub committees, help with elections, policy, finance.....the list goes on!
You may think that you have to be a certain type of person or have had a certain amount of experience in this area, but believe me, as long as you’re interested in RUSU and want to have an influence on big changes and decisions then ANYONE can nominate themselves to be a Student Trustee!
Just and a couple of others will be the only people from your year of students to have such unique experience in working with a hugely successful organisation. Tell that to your employer!
Emily Kerr
RUSU Student Trustee 2013/14