This International Women’s Day (Thursday 8th March) Oxfam is raising money to help women around the world! Reading University’s Women’s Campaign is organising a cake stall at this year’s Fairtrade Fashion Show to raise money; we are also collecting donations at the event. Raising money for this cause is very important: 70% of those who live in poverty are women.
Oxfam say that by “empowering and equipping a woman with the resources to work her way out poverty transforms entire communities down the generations”.
Inequality has a massive impact on income. Despite completing 2/3 of the world’s working hours women still only earn 10% of the wages made a year. International Women’s Day is designed to raise awareness in the still existing gap in gender equality and to provide women living in poverty with a means of bettering their lives.
We hope that by raising awareness we can contribute to the fights against poverty and to achieving gender equality. An important component in the success of campaigns like these is their popular support and public interest and this is why events such as those hosted in International Women’s Day are important.
To find out more visit Oxfam’s Website:
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